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Pout Couture: Lip Stuff

Gorgeous people: lips stuff is here to stay! And the market for these is only getting bigger. So we might as well familiarise ourselves with the terminology that is so commonly used.

I remember back in the day when we only had two options to get our lips banging: lip gloss and lip ice (of which lip ice was an interchangeable terminology for Vaseline and the actual Lipice product. Wait… not much has changed). And that gloss was… uhm… interesting. Castor oil. I’m surprised we didn’t have mild diarrhea like all the time.

Anywho, here are some very brief explanations on what means what:

Lip Balm – Usually a moisturising product in the form of petroleum. It’s not usually used for the skin but can be. Most of the time, people actually mean that they would like to use your Vaseline. It’s always colourless.

Lip Stick – One of the most amazing inventions! These babies are always in some form of colour or the other. They range from being matte to creamy to shimmery to frosty and so it goes. They can be moisturising depending on the formula the manufacturers have used.

Lip gloss – One of the most common items used for beauty beginners. It usually has a high shine, can be moisturising and at times does come in a colour that is more of a slight tinge on the lips.

Lip glass – I find that this one usually works best when applied over a lipstick simply because it enhances the shade of the lipstick.

Lip paint – It is paint. For lips. Lip paint. I would advise one to use a brush when applying this product so that one may achieve a flawless and even finish over one’s pout. But one may argue and say one can use ones finger. Ok one, try it. Stain ones fingers. It is after all paint. For lips. Lip paint.

I am sure that in the next few hours someone is going to come up with a cool name for a new lip product, with a cool formula and a cool look – and believe me, I will be on that bandwagon. Do join me?

Keep it pretty and classy, loves!



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